Giving Credit is a social credit network that recognizes and capitalizes community finance
Map social credit networks
All individuals willing to lend to you comprise of your Social Credit Network.
Giving Credit maps Social Credit Networks, revealing how much you can borrow from friends and family.
The sum amount you can borrow is your Social Credit Line.
Track Loans
Giving Credit tracks peer lending and borrowing.
Automated reminders avoid awkward conversations.
Capitalize social credit networks through Funds
Back peer-lending in your target constituencies by creating a fund on Giving Credit.
Loan guarantees protect the assets of lenders by insuring them against loan loss while further capitalizing informal banking networks.
Leverage capital in communities through loan guarantees.
Report peer-lending to credit bureaus
People demonstrate their credit worthiness through peer-to-peer loan repayment. However, these repayments are not recognized by mainstream finance.
We are working toward reporting peer-to-peer loan repayments to community banks and credit bureaus, creating mainstream credit opportunities for the 45M credit invisible households in the country.
Write-off loan default on Federal income taxes
When lenders experience a loan default, the application provides a pre-filled tax-filing document for US lenders that lenders can use to deduct the loss from their income taxes.