Join us in expanding access to high-quality,
wealth-building products for low-to-moderate
income communities.

With Giving Credit, you can:

  • Capitalize community finance networks

  • Access community finance data reports

  • Offer an integrated shared secured loan

Financial Institutions

Giving Credit embeds with financial institutions to expand access to mainstream credit products.

We offer three unique products to financial institutions:

  • Funds - Recognize the peer-lending in your community through a rewards or loan loss insurance program

  • Community Finance Data Reports - Access peer-lending credit reports to augment your underwriting and better assess credit risk

  • Shared Secured Loans - Your members and customers can now recommend and secure a portion of a loan for their family or friends through a direct integration with Giving Credit

Through Giving Credit you can:

  • Expand your customer and membership base

  • Better assess credit risk

  • Provide more loans at better terms

  • Build credit and financial health for your consumers

Social Impact Organizations & Employers

Giving Credit partner with social impact organizations and employers as a financial wellness tool for their clients and employees.

We offer co-branded marketing materials for your community members to sign up for Giving Credit. Through Giving Credit, you can offer:

  • Funds - Recognize the peer-lending in your community through a rewards or loan loss insurance program

  • 0% interest loans - Provide 0% interest loans from your organization to your clients or employees to further support their financial health and match their community support.

Through Giving Credit, your clients or employees can:

  • Map their social credit networks

  • Make and track their peer-lending and borrowing

  • Earn rewards for participating in community finance

  • Gain access to financial institution partnership to help build their credit.

Giving Credit users save $15 for every $100 borrowed.
Peer loans can now be part of their credit history!

With community finance data, we can expand access to high-quality, wealth-building products for 108 million people in the United States.