Join us in expanding access to high-quality,
wealth-building products for low-to-moderate
income communities.
With Giving Credit, you can:
Capitalize community finance networks
Access community finance data reports
Offer an integrated shared secured loan
Financial Institutions
Giving Credit embeds with financial institutions to expand access to mainstream credit products.
We offer three unique products to financial institutions:
Funds - Recognize the peer-lending in your community through a rewards or loan loss insurance program
Community Finance Data Reports - Access peer-lending credit reports to augment your underwriting and better assess credit risk
Shared Secured Loans - Your members and customers can now recommend and secure a portion of a loan for their family or friends through a direct integration with Giving Credit
Through Giving Credit you can:
Expand your customer and membership base
Better assess credit risk
Provide more loans at better terms
Build credit and financial health for your consumers
Social Impact Organizations & Employers
Giving Credit partner with social impact organizations and employers as a financial wellness tool for their clients and employees.
We offer co-branded marketing materials for your community members to sign up for Giving Credit. Through Giving Credit, you can offer:
Funds - Recognize the peer-lending in your community through a rewards or loan loss insurance program
0% interest loans - Provide 0% interest loans from your organization to your clients or employees to further support their financial health and match their community support.
Through Giving Credit, your clients or employees can:
Map their social credit networks
Make and track their peer-lending and borrowing
Earn rewards for participating in community finance
Gain access to financial institution partnership to help build their credit.